Business Model Inspirator
The Business Model Inspirator is a tool to open our minds towards new aspects of business design and value creation we have not thought of before. You can download it here!
1. Overview
Either choose one or several of the four categories "How to create", "Whom to serve", "How to deliver" and "What to offer" in which you want to improve or change. Or use the full range of given examples of proven business designs as inspiration for different combinations. Each example represents a so called business model pattern, which is a generic mechanism of business a model to create, deliver or capture value.
The Business Model Inspirator is also a good source for business model examples when moderating workshops.
2. Layout & Download

3. Key Elements
Element | Question | Comments |
Inner circle | Which of the four areas do we look at? | First, choose the specific area in which you would like to improve. |
Second-inner circle | Which sub-categories are of interest? | Then, be more precise by looking at what exactly you want to do and choose the corresponding section. |
Outer circle | Which company has succeeded in the certain business model? | Here you find examples of other companies having done it successfully within the chosen section. |
Boxes | How does the specific business model work? | And here you can read how they actually have done it. |
We also have "Business Model Pattern Cards" that describe each example in more details and hands-on instructions on how to apply the pattern to an own business model.
4. Usage Scenarios
Finding inspiration when designing business models
Finding examples of business models in specific areas
Combining different aspects of existing business models
5. Instructions for Coaches
As part of a workshop in which ideation is needed small teams can work on individual parts of the existing business model and integrate new aspects as seen in the Business Model Inspirator.
6. Q & A
When do I use the Business Model Inspirator? The Inspirator is used most often as part of an ideation phase. It depends on the project scope if an ideation in this field is necessary or not.
When do I not use the Business Model Inspirator? If a project is rather limited to coming up with a new product and/or service within the existing business model.