Insights Matrix
The Insights Matrix is a simple tool to help you structure the results from the Discover Phase. Get an overview of how and when we use it and download the template for your team.
1. Overview
The Insights Matrix is usually used in the Design Workshop after the presentation of the results of the Discover Phase. Summarize all gathered insights on post-its or moderation cards and place them on the matrix based on the following two dimensions:
Weak / strong: How weak or strong are the signals you perceived whether the insight can be taken for granted or not (yet)?
Confirming / surprising: Is the insight somewhat surprising to you or just confirms your today's beliefs and thoughts?
A proper Discover Phase usually generates insights for every quadrant of the matrix. Insights that are surprising and supported by strong signals usually get special attention from us, since we expect "Golden Nuggets" here that may lead to great new business ideas later on. Translate your key insights into proper sentences (no abbreviations). Accuracy is key at this stage.
2. Layout & Download

3. Usage Scenarios
Clustering results of the Discover phase
Deriving "Golden Nuggets" to spur on ideation and creativity