Business Design Events

  • Executive impulse ‘The ability to innovate’

    In this impulse, we share experiences and best practices from working with a wide range of larger SMEs on what makes a company innovative and what approaches can help.

    • Place: Technologiewerkstatt Albstadt

    • Duration: 2h impulse plus 1h lunch & networking

    • Format: Offline

    • Language: German

    Register now
  • Certificate Program "Business Design and Innovation"

    Our "Certificate Program Business Design & Innovation" is a special training format for everybody dealing with innovation in a corporate context, who aim to apply Business Design in real-life projects or want to roll out Business Design as part of an innovation management system. 

    • Participants: 12

    • Duration: 10 weeks

    • Format: Off- and Online

    • Certificate: Business Design & Innovation Expert